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Our programmers have completed a beta version which is available for download.

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Eagle Informatics has a lot of different products and a lot of different support groups providing Eagle Informatics with different projects and assistance with existing ones. Here are some links to their sites:

Below are the various operating units of the College of Information Technology from which the student employees are drawn.

Below are the other projects that the Open Source Development Group has been working on:

  • Internship Tracker
    Intern Tracker is a web based, database application to manage the workflow of internship, coop student, and practicum employment. It provides an environment to manage activities and documents associated with intern student programs in higher education.
  • Faculty Search Tracker
    Faculty Search Tracker assists with the workflow of performing a faculty search. Designed to help collaboration within faculty search committees, it maintains the records needed to demonstrate compliance with rules and regulations for a faculty search.

(c) 2007 Georgia Southern University